Hello, welcome to my first blogger blog. Recently inspired by the dailydodo lady and her fantastic outlook at life, and also various other blogs I've been checking out recently.
So here's mine, just if anyone is interested in the things I have to say whilst I go on the biggest adventure of my life: living.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Thursday's thoughts..

Today has been a not much happen kind of day, which I don't mind at all, I actually very like simple easy days.. but it does make blogging that little bit harder!
The main bit of today involved my extra organs (girlfriend) I wont go on and on about her, but over the last few weeks we've been asking lots of big things from one another, and asking ourselves if we want to stay together really on the run up to the big changes we're both going to have. Today was a beautiful day of clarity though, as if the storm had settled and the sun was out, and it was so blindingly obvious. We had a fantastic time together sat laughing, joking and talking. I told her plans and she reacted perfectly to them; she showed a bit of a sad face, but on the whole she was supportive and kind. Which is what I really need.
I'm thinking more and more about Italy, wondering if I want to go to one town and just stay there, or if I want to travel between cities and towns; they both have up sides, living in the one place would mean I could build relationships, I could get to know people and have a lot of support as I gathered friends. But moving town to town would stop that horrible feeling I'd get when I left, because I'd of just been travelling, I wouldn't have been trying to make a 'new life' - Lot's of questions!
I like questioning things though, it shows you still have a passion for life, that you have enough spunk to get up and say: I will change things. It shows you care and value yourself enough to not feel like you should settle for anything less than you truly deserve.
But then maybe that's just me.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Loosing My Virginity

My blogging virginity of course.

I will warn you in advance I often will compare my life, and everything that I do to a journey, I'm obsessed with doing so, I look at every opportunity as a side road, every decision as a cross roads without a map, every mistake I make is a speeding ticket for rushing through life and not paying attention.
I'm forever driving too fast though and missing my junctions, or running through lights. I quite often will dash for things I want as soon as they cross my mind, and moments after thinking something I'll be working out how to best follow that path. Sometimes, I scare myself with my enthusiasm for all things that appeal to me.

Part of the reason I come to blog is to document the changes I make in myself, I'm not doing this for fame or glory, I just would like to look back on it in a years time and hopefully laugh at who I am now. I plan on seriously bettering myself over the next stretch of time and road.

So please, join me on this fantastic and utterly terrifying journey that I'm about to under go!